Nile C. Kinnick High School

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Teacher Name: Mr. Scott Andrews

Contact Information:
     Kinnick High School 243-7392
     Planning Period: "A" day: 09:10 to 10:35 period A2
                              "B" day: 09:10 to 10:35 period B2

Location: Main Building (1901), room 106; some labs in room 111.

Course Name and Number: AP Chemistry; SCC612

Course Description: This course is designed to help students understand the major principles of chemical interactions. Information is acquired through an integrated approach, incorporating advanced topics with science as inquiry, science and technology, science and social perspectives, and the history and nature of science. The course integrates unifying science concepts and processes of systems, order and organization, evidence, models and explanation, change, consistency and equilibrium; and form and function. Scientific inquiry and understanding about inquiry are emphasized through practical implications and meaningful applications. Topics students study include atomic theory and structure, chemical bonding, principles of chemical reactions, molecular structure, and how science and technology relate to chemistry. Instructional activities include laboratory experiences that reinforce concepts acquired during lectures, discussions, demonstrations, and problem-solving sessions. Special attention is given to the mathematical treatment. Computers are used to collect and analyze data, along with integrated software programs, to prepare project and laboratory reports.

  The ultimate objective of this course is to prepare students for the AP Chemistry exam that will be administered this coming May. While preparing for this exam, students will acquire a thorough understanding of chemical principals and the ability to solve problems that require an in-depth understanding of chemistry. It is important that the students understand that this is a college level course and we will be moving quickly through the units. We will also go into great depth with each unit. The quick pace and great depth that we will be achieving will make this course challenging and rewarding for those who work hard and succeed on the AP exam next spring.  Due to the intensive nature of this course, it is imperative that students do ALL of the required assignments in order to be successful. We will follow the College Board’s AP Chemistry Topics throughout the course of this year. Besides the class work that the students will be doing, there is also an extensive amount of information on the Internet that can help the students succeed in this course.

Text: Brown, LeMay, Bursten, et al., Chemistry: The Central Science, 14th edition ©2017, Pearson Education, Inc.

Philosophy: I believe that students learn most effectively by experiencing science first hand. With this in mind, we will be conducting many experiments and activities, and doing many demonstrations and projects throughout this course. The class will use a variety of techniques to introduce, explore, and reinforce major scientific concepts, theories, principles and skills.

Materials: (bring to class every day)
     1. Bound notebook, 30 pages, 5mm squares.
     2. Pen (black ink only).
     3. Text book (only bring on announced book check days)
     4. All previous and current class handouts.
     5. Scientific calculator (optional but recommended TI-30XIIS). All students will be provided with a
          calculator during tests.

Grading Policy: Grades are entered daily as soon as the assignment is graded for all individuals in the class. Students and parents can access grades using Aspen at Grades are weighted by assignment type with a total of 55% of the grade based on tests, quizzes, project scores, and preparation for class, 35% is based on lab work, lab reports, and class activities, and the final 10% is the homework grade. At the end of each semester, each quarter is assigned a weight of 42.5% with the remaining 15% based on a final exam or project.The final grade for each quarter and the semester is converted to a letter grade based on the DoDDS Grading Scale:
     89.50 - 100% = A (Outstanding progress)
     79.50 - 89.49% = B (Above average progress)
     69.50 - 79.49% = C (Average progress)
     59.50 - 69.49% = D (Lowest acceptable progress)
     59.49% or below = F (No Credit)

Assessment: Tests will be taken at the end of most units. There will be one or two tests each quarter. Tests will include various formats such as: multiple choice, short answer, matching, true or false and essay. Test scores may include a scaled grade. There will generally be one project each quarter. We will be working every week or two on lab activities which will include a written lab report. Any lessons in class, including video presentations, may be followed by a quiz. Reading assignments, past homework, and preparation for class meetings will also be quiz grades. Any assignments that are not turned in at the beginning of the class they are due will be assigned a grade of zero.

Homework: Homework will be assigned nearly every class meeting. These assignments will be designed to help students practice course content, review, and identify areas that are in need of further study. Copying is not allowed, although, working together is acceptable as long as both students are actively participating. Any students that are caught copying work will earn a grade of zero for that assignment. Homework will be accepted only at the start of class at the due time and date and then checked and made available for review.

Academic Integrity: Nile C. Kinnick High School has a no-tolerance policy regarding cheating and/or plagiarism. Behaviors commonly associated with cheating include talking during a test, copying answers, being in possession of answers for assignments, copying/pasting from Internet sites, accessing cell phones, or giving answers for assignments to another student. This is not an inclusive list. Plagiarism is the act of taking someone's writings, works, or idea and passing them off as your own. It is also plagiarism to use someone else's work or production without providing the proper citation to give credit to the original source. Students involved in cheating and/or plagiarism will receive a zero for the assignment and parents will be notified. Continued cheating will result in a disciplinary referral to the administration.

Late Work Policy: Late assignments are not accepted. If an absence is excused please see the student handbook for the policy on make-up work. If the student has an excused absence from class, it is the student's responsibility to find out what they missed. Check the classroom calendar on the Internet for assignment due dates. Students should see me at the beginning of the next course meeting day to obtain any papers that were passed out or print them for themselves. Laboratory experiences will generally be rescheduled for a seminar period or after school. Work that is missed due to an unexcused absence will be assigned a grade of zero. Students that have an unexcused tardy and are not in class when papers are collected will not be able to turn in their work.

Tutoring/Extra Help: If you need any assistance outside of our regular course meetings, please make an appointment to see me after school or during seminar period. I am available nearly every day after school until 2:50 P.M. with Tuesdays being the exception. I will accept appointments for seminar as late as 2:45 P.M. on the "A" day before the seminar. I also have lunch in my classroom nearly every day so you can stop by anytime from 10:35 to 11:20. Lunch is for questions you may have or some extra help but not to use the computers or for lengthy make-up work. You need a break and you should be eating some healthy food during lunch. Please do not come to see me in the morning before 7:40 as I am often preparing lab materials and handouts at this time.

Classroom Management: To insure that our classroom is an effective place for us to work and learn, we will always respect ourselves, our group, classroom equipment and our teacher. This means to keep up a positive self image, do your part and help others do theirs, and follow the instructions of your teacher at all times. You must be in class on time to prevent from being marked tardy. Always come to class prepared with the four required materials listed. I will check to see that you have your assigned textbook once a month on a pre-announced date. Raise your hand if you would like to speak to me and I will see you as soon as I can while I am making laps around the room. Students should not be using any electronic devices in the classroom other than the laptop provided by the school or a student's calculator. Infractions of the classroom rules will result in after class conference, e-mail or call to home, after school detention and referral to the office.

Content Outline: Unit 1: Atomic Structure and The Periodic Table
                             Unit 2: Compounds and Chemical Bonding, Stoichiometry and Chemical Reactions
                             Unit 3: Gases, Phase Changes and Intermolecular Forces
                             Unit 4: Thermochemistry, Solutions
                             Unit 5: Equilibrium, Acids, Bases and Salts
                             Unit 6: Kinetics, Redox and Electrochemistry

Additional Information: Seating plans will be assigned by the teacher on the first class day of each month. The people you sit with are your group members and each of you will assume a role during lab work. The group roles will alternate every lab and are outlined below:
     Principle Investigator: (PI)
     -reads directions to the group making certain that each member understands
     -asks the teacher if there are questions
     -ensures that each member safely completes their part of the lab

     Materials Manager: (MM)
     -obtains, correctly assembles, cares for, cleans and returns equipment
     -ensures that each member cooperates within the group

     Recorder / Reporter: (RR)
     -writes observations and data for the group and reports information to the class
     -ensures that each member has the necessary information

Extra credit assignments are not offered. Students should do their best to correctly and completely finish each assignment that is required.

Accelerating Students: If you will be accelerating in December or May, please get a head start on your work. I will post all of the homework, labs, quizzes, class activities and tests for the 2nd quarter in early November and for the 4th quarter in mid-April. Accelerating does not mean taking a grade on the work you did up to the point at which you leave school. You are responsible for all the work that is done for the entire semester and will be graded appropriately. In past experiences, this is a very difficult hurdle to jump over, but with good planning and lots of effort it can still be accomplished in outstanding form. I am here to help you through this challenging time, but do not expect me to give you any slack if you have two days left and ten assignments to go.

Standards: Standards for AP Chemistry are detailed in the College Board course description. A link to the newest course description is provided on the classroom calendar page.